Who’s your smoke daddy?
L and I just got back from our geriatric/Jadakiss sunny Florida vacation. As always, we had a good time – hanging out, laughing, drinking, laughing, drinking, reading, pool time, laughing, South Beach, Jadakiss, Rapper overload, spillin’ out butt crack sisters in string bikinis, laughing, ocean time, shelling, drinking, witnessing a real-life run away bride at the beach incident, laughing, reading, eating, listening to local Largos belt it out on the karaoke machine at the barbecue joint, drinking, catching up on movies, laughing, and watching “pimp my ride” (which now has me jonesing for outfitting my car with some spinners and Diamond-Nutz – fucking freaky cool!). I think if I pimp out my car, I most certainly will have to come up with a ghettofab sounding name. Hmm.
I hung out in Chi town for a couple of days – hitting a couple of clubs and caught up with L’s friend M. Too bad we missed T performing at Blues – maybe next time. My timing for a visit was perfect because it was the annual IML (International Mister Leather) conference. Lots of chaps and queens everywhere. Hilarious. I also bought a new CD by Van Hunt - hot! I love it.
I’m sending a big shout out to my ever-growing blog posse for hitting the 6 comments marker for the “Good Substitutions” posting (I should go away more often). So, major thanks to Pure Sugar Magic, Plum, Master B, Shatshat, Opie, and Bud Cort. You all totally rock!!! Speaking of rock, Joan Jett is coming to town on the 10th. That should be fun. You may want to pick up a
WWJJD t-shirt before you go.Other local news:
- My parents went to the local grocery store and stopped at the deli to ask if they had lox. The deli counter person said they only have one brand of small key locks but not combination type locks. Welcome to Central Wisconsin mom and dad!
- I’m living in “dance recital hell” for the next several days and I’m suffering from serious choreographers block. It sucks. My older kid piece is super sucky. I wish they had put “anonymous” under choreographer.
Next installation for the blog is "Bad Additions." So, put your thinking caps on for the next collaborative kick-ass list and send them to me.