Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Good Substitutions

Thanks to everyone who contributed to Part II of my Substitution/Addition series. A very special thanks to JD who contributed most of the good sauce in this list. You may be broke, jobless and your girlfriend’s in jail, but you know I’ll always love ya!

- New clothes for self-esteem
- Free drinks for poor service
- Jim Beam for Knob Creek
- Higher grades for thoughtful/detailed comments
- Crushing student loan debt for years of carefree abandon
- Daydreaming for work
- Joan Jett for Heart
- David Lee Roth for Sammy Hagar
- Methadone for heroin
- VX Fox station wagon for a pair of boots
- Adopting a 17 year old girl for a short term relationship with a younger woman.
- Two pieces of liver and a cardboard milk carton for pussy.
- Cocaine for sleep.
- One year of real life experience for seven years of "higher education."
- An e-card for a phone call to your mother on mother's day (Even if she doesn't have an e- mail address. That's not my fault. I thought it was the thought that counts anyway. Live in the now, Mom!)
- A magic 8 ball for religion.
- Stabbing your own eyes out for watching reality TV.
- Dreaming you live in a magical land filled with a field of clouds while galloping on a unicorn for
watching Fox news.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm leaving a comment for myself because it's wretchedly barren, and I need to be noticed by publishers with mucho blog comments. So, great list, Dr. BF!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is NEVER any substitute for Knob Creek and shame on you BF for suggesting otherwise.

The Master of Bourbon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assume that my "lemon juice and milk for buttermilk" was deemed too pedestrian for your list what will the references to genitalia and illicit drugs.

But mine really works.

Have fun in Florida.



Anonymous Anonymous said... for being felt up in a bar (after belting down Knob Creek)...that's my substitution and I'm stickin' to it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love unicorns . . .

Another substitution: the reality of fake news for the fakery of real news.




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