Mizrahi’s Roller Disco Extravaganza
I’m thinking about having a party in phases – sort of like real estate development:
Phase I – The Bambi Valley Resort
Phase II – The Silver Swan Lake Chateau
Phase III – The Private Equity Exclusive Residence Club and Suite.
However, phase I of my party would more likely be some title related to roller disco, which I’m obsessed with. Lately, I’ve been listening to an old disco tape in the bathtub because it’s the only tape I can find. The one “bad” song on the tape is the old classic, “Le Freak C’est Chic,” and it’s perfect for a roller disco party. I even have the entire song choreographed with celebs and non-celebs appearing in the piece. I think Isaac would be excellent as the center stage roller disco queen. Then I also see Topher Grace, Sandra Bernhart, and Jeremy Piven (don’t ask me why him). Then the Chicago posse (old & new) – L-Bean, Toronzo, incense guy from Smart Bar, Low Down, Don, Chip, James & Dan (Barney’s crew – they have an excellent sequence of dance “freezes”), Rach, Mike, Smiley (L-Bean knows this reference!!!!!! Bazooka bubble gum and super foxy, and of course an excellent dancer), and then a couple of NY posse (old) – Golden boy, Hawk girl, and good ol’ actor JH. Madison posse – Milton (only one I can think of that can dance). Point posse would be lovely dancer P, G, M, A, S, B, B, PSM (she’s like a super karaoke performer, so I think she’s probably good at roller disco, too), that kid from the Dance Dept that’s super good, Fred & Ginger, and then the basement band/bar crew filtered into certain sequences (I’m not sure about their dance capabilities). And of course, “fashionable librarian M” of Iowa. Not because I know anything of her roller disco skating abilities, but I do know she’ll have a smack-assing cool disco outfit. I envision lots of rainbow legwarmers, old-fashioned skates, disco lighting, some good booze and music, and a rink. I’ll keep people posted on the “phase development” of the party. Right now it’s just a fantasy “faze” in my head. I wonder if anyone would go? The problem is the guest list, which when I started quickly jotting down names was over 150 people. That’s a lot of boozey disco queens in one place.
Right now I’m in the process of documenting my life and justifying my permanence for tenure. It’s all very European. Cementing your fate and future in Central Wisconsin - this is how they keep residents here. It’s very tricky.
I thought I had seen an announcement that Brook Astor was dead, but I guess she’s still hanging on. I’m sure this family imbroglio has her ticker going strong – even at 104. Supposedly her Crème De La Mer has now been replaced by Vaseline, and her Teuscher chocolates from Switzerland have been replaced by Kit Kats. Frankly, that is tragic. And, frankly, I’ve been using the word “frankly” way too much lately. It seeped into my vocabulary about three weeks ago. I don’t know where I picked it up, but it’s reaching the point of irritation. I wonder if I’ll ever make it into cosseted blue-blooded centenarian status? The problem is the blue-blood. I don't think this is something you can acquire - it's only through good rich genes.
Fashion News from Andre:
While Zara Beard “exercises four hours a day, plays polo and tennis, runs and keeps her eye on fashion,” I’ll tell the rest of you what’s in, according to the fashion bible – Vogue (thanks, L-Bean for the subscription!). It’s all about colored, textured tights with wedge or platform boots, either knee-high or ankle, or pumps. Mixing colors is just fine. It’s also all military and 80s this season. As a matter of fact, I was so inspired by ubermodel GB’s spread, that yesterday I wore my newly acquired black punk rock moon military boots with hot pink tights, a military-esque black jacket, and cropped wool trousers. And I wore this for a presentation!!! It was kind of crazy looking, but a little push into the edge of the real fashion world is occasionally a good thing. Plus, if I wasn’t a victim to ephemeral fashion trends, I might start wearing "Separates" as they call it in the Ladies Department of bad department stores, and have putrid shoulder-length hair with a bad "steps" cut disguised as layers and frosted highlights from a box. Now, that would be tragic.