Pas de Boob
Fred (of Fred and Ginger) came to visit me today in my librarian-like office. That was a nice surprise! What was even more surprising is that we managed to solve some of the university, and the worlds, problems in less than an hour. Pretty impressive. That lettuce kid dropped by, too. Good times.
We (the Gang of Three) also discussed the possibility of starting a log of M’s changes in appearance since he’s moved up in the “ivory tower” (I don’t know that a third tier state institution can be considered ivory). This includes facial hair changes, outfits, shoes, and accessories such as wallets. Some are worried that these changes will make him loose his “crazy cool” status. We’ll keep everyone posted on the log implementation.
L-bean was in the midst of a gay-man-lovers-distant-relationship imbroglio over the weekend. What a frickin’ mess those gay quarrels can be. Watch out is all I can say. The visiting lover was depleting the food chain at L-bean and gay-man-roommate-M’s fabulous apartment/condo near the lake like there was no tomorrow. Never bothered to buy any groceries, replenish supply, or treat them to dinner?!?!? Hello? Plus, why would you stoop so low as to drink soy creamer for liquid nourishment after depleting the food/liquid supply of the household? That’s desperation.
My those Utah polygamist wives of Warren Steed - whatever his weirdy ass name is - are a bunch of angry nutcases. They were screaming with rage at the reporters on ABC news tonight, and it scared the shit out of me – AND THEY WERE WEARING HOLLY HOBBY DRESSES!!!!!!!! Yikes. Cootieville to the max.
Well, I’ll bore you all with another letter from the past. This is more ballet oriented and was written to me by my friend M in 1982 (I was in Boston). This is just a segment of the letter. And you all thought ballet was romantic. Ha! (I’m keeping anonymity here because on rare occasions I hear from someone from my ballet past).
“…A tried to kiss me. GRODY! BARF OUT! H got her period in Chicago before we left for Newport and couldn’t get the tampon all the way in, so she wore it half way out all the way there! Blood seeping all over her clothes. Gross! She also gained weight because of her period and being around MT and G – the human vacuum cleaners. Her butt and her thighs got bigger, as well as the rest of her. She even got boobies! When she got home she called P to see if she could go to the island to rehearse and he told her she could if she got thin because she was plump in Newport!! Ha ha! I almost died. Tell your mom. Incidentally, MT is a little chubette, too. Sounds like you’re having a great time. Wish I was there! I’m crossing my fingers you get in the Four T’s performance. Oh yeah, thought you’d like to know what we performed. “Serenade” (where J fell and slipped because the stage is super slippery); “Jeux” (that was a joke! I’ll tell you more later); “Who Cares” (no one cared, that’s who. We were tired. I slipped during the second segment); “Invitation to the Dance” (I do my “famous” 16 fouettes and almost fall into the ocean. What a joke!); “Pas de dix” (or pas de boob. L’s boob came all the way out of her costume! That was funny as hell). Consider yourself lucky you got a letter from me!!
Talk to you soon,
Love M “