Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Gunk holing bros before hoes

My writing slump is in the most slumpiest state ever. There’s nadda thing happening upstairs – zip on the wit. Plus, I have my period and no marshmallows – damn it! I thought I had breast cancer, but it turns out I don’t. We had a bad storm during our sailing trip and I thought we were going to die, but it turns out we didn’t. So, I guess those are good things to write about, but I don’t really feel like writing about them. Too boring. Maybe I have ennui-o-phobia. I do think my recent marathon of reading good books, coupled with watching and listening to too much news and murder shows like “America’s Most Wanted,” have impacted my slump factor. I wonder what the cure for slump factor is? Maybe that would be a good reality show - Slump Factor. It would be a bunch of yahoos (or celebrities if it was “celebrity slump factor”) sitting around just saying “whatever,” “what’s the point” or “fuckin’ a.” Even the title of this blog entry doesn’t make sense, but it sounds good. Maybe I should just start writing what sounds good even if it’s made up bull cocky.

My super smart (almost scary smart) friend, Y, also a librarian, sent me the newest subject headings just released by the Library of Congress. The world of cataloging is an underground wacky group that even I – a member of the library profession for 13 years – don’t understand. But it is, nonetheless, tres intriguing and I’m fascinated by it all. Damn, I wish I had taken cataloging when I was in grad school. Frickin’ library school curriculum changes! I'll let you make your own comments. Anyway, here they are:

- Civil commitment of sex offenders
- Condom use
- Creative destruction
- Cross-border shopping
- Domestic terrorism
- Family secrets
- RSS feeds
- Surprise birthday parties
- Ex-gay movement
- Monogamous relationships


Blogger Virtualsprite said...

Yeah... what is an "ex-gay movement"? I wonder if it is populated by priests? Nonetheless, I am intrigued. Love the cataloging system!

Here's hoping you break out of your ennui! "Zip on the wit" is a good start! Hang in there, BibFash!


Blogger BibFash said...

I sure do love my writing group. They always give me hope. Yay for H, A and M!!!!!!!



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