Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Monday, February 16, 2009

Word on my street

No time for a big narrative, but here are some little noshy updates:

Weezy and 50 Cent are still at it – Hip Hop beefs continue!

Won ugly sweater contest (or as the German calls it, the “dirty” sweater contest). I think I did a good job pulling off the whole Christopher Banks (hideous hideous hideous mall store)/Dynasty look with my animal/dollhead embellished sweater and side pony with big bangs. J didn’t even recognize me and she walked by me TWICE! I was also a judge. And I voted for myself. I guess you’d call that kickin’ it old Chicago skool style.

Chewbacca suffers a woozy spell (see James Wolcott’s blog)

Psycho spitting, licking, eating plant dirt dude in hoodie sweatshirt terrorizes the Library on Thursday afternoon

Fairly successful film shoot last Saturday as wealthy pick-pocketer wearing fur coat and hat at the Badger state winter games.

Blue candies should be BANNED! No blue M&Ms, no blue Jolly Rancher (wine candy). What are these people thinking?

Fun Perkins clown car adventure with juicy old school music, cramps and screaming.

I’m with Slate – what’s up G? with the Gatorade commercials???

Ate recalled Coop cookies, but am still alive. It’s a miracle! I still think “death by Co-op cookie” sounds like my death.

Now my “acting/film” expertise is being requested yet again to help with some cockeyed idea my friend, B, and his friend, E, have cooked up. It involved Norwegians, Nigerians, prostitutes and a bus. That’s all I can say about it.