Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Monday, January 07, 2008

New Year in Chicago

As per usual, I had a blast in Chicago – despite some pretty shitty weather. I hung out with Lors lots, and her family, and that was uber fun (like always). I also saw Nivea, lots of my family (including Granny), but I missed JD and Dr. L. And we both missed T playing out because he FORGOT TO CALL US TO TELL US WHERE HE WAS PLAYING!!!!!!!!!! Damn it. Next time.

Lors and I ate awesome food in awesome places, we had great wines and champagnes (thanks to her “wine expert” sister who was in from California), we laughed loads, we shopped (like major big time broke shopping), and we caught up on some movies. Oh yeah, there was also doobie smoking – mostly by McK - (and second hand doobie smoke) for a few of those days. And we all laughed watching the Chicago anchors – Dick Johnson, Pete Sack and Suzie Cooch. That’s just too fucking hilarious for words! I don’t remember if they’re on NBC or CBS, but some exec has a kinky mind.

Dang, I miss the city.

Here are the movies we saw (both in theaters and TV) with my ratings.
My rating system is five exclamation points for most awesome and one for pretty drab.

Oh yeah! Before we get into movieratings, I was asked to be in a movie and I'm super excited!!!!! My friend, G, is doing another film for the CW film festival. It will be local and crazy, and I don't know my role yet, but I can't wait to find out. He did one last year for the CWFF and it was quite the success. It was called Bikini Car Wash. So, next year, you may see me on the "big screen!"

Juno - !!!!!
Super awesome flick, and Ellen Page is wickedly cool and witty for a prego teenager! I plan to see it again with notebook in hand so I can write down the excellent teenage trend lingo.

Kinky Boots - !!!
This was pretty good. It wasn’t like a major riveting movie, but it still was a nice story about a shoe maker business that stops producing the boring English men’s oxford shoe for some trashy sex boots for the Tranny world. Well acted.

Confetti - !!
British flick about some contestants who want to win a wedding from a fashion magazine. There were some funny parts and interesting characters, but not a rip roaring movie that stays with you when you leave.

Guinevere - !
Too artsy and full of itself. Plus it stars Stephen Rea who looks like a cross between Lou Reed and Richard Simmons. I can’t get too excited about that. The actress, Sarah Polley, is beautiful, until she opens her mouth and has shit for teeth – like those corn teeth that are gray. Man alive, woman! Get your teeth fixed!! I believe this movie is based on “Fame.” Seriously, he’s like this older photographer and she’s this young chick who ends up taking her top off for a titty picture, etc. How frickin’ original! Plus, the movie was slow – like super slow at times. Like “Room with a View.” Need I say more?

Dexter - !!!!!
Not a movie, but a frickin’ cool and scary series on Showtime. I got addicted and didn’t think I would given I’m such a squeem monster.

Dance moves with Tweetie - !!!!!
Not a movie or a show, but dance lessons from the hood on MTV. Like seriously, Tweetie is like on crack during these episodes, but they are too funny to pass up. I’m totally going to incorporate these moves into my own dance routines. I like Lip Gloss, Freak Nasty, and Pop, Lock and Drop It. Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to have you back in "Hicksville"! I can't wait to see you in Bikini Car Wash II (electric bugaloo). I have it queued up in Netflix already!



Blogger Virtualsprite said...

Yay! I know a movie star!!!!



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