Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Friday, March 17, 2006

Ken loved buttocks

In the latest issue of Vanity Fair (April 2006), there is a great original copy of evil note exchanges between the late British theater critic, Kenneth Tynan (KT), and his wife, Kathleen (K). It goes something like this (and, yes, these were typed notes):

List of things about KT currently disapproved of by K:

- Physical laziness
- Sexual remissness
- Eating habits
- Drinking habits
- Bathing habits
- Conversational egotism
- Interest in cricket
- Sloppy thinking
- Inability to dance
- Weakness of memory

List of things about K disapproved of by KT:

- Can’t spell
- Bad at games like all girls
- Bad at organization like all girls
- Bad at languages
- Talks to other men too long
- Is too polite
- Likes tasteless food

This is completely hilarious. I wonder if I should type a note to the German with a list of things I disapprove of. Actually, it wouldn’t be too hard. I think it would go something like this:

List of things about the German currently disapproved of by Dr. BF:

- Serial killer van, old cars and boats sitting in driveway as storage units
- Doesn’t use napkins as frequently as he should
- Likes Dinty Moore beef stew
- Still has ill-fitting girly like orange shorts in closet
- Too concerned with function over fashion
- Likes the smell of rubbing alcohol

I’m pretty sure his disapproval list about me would look something like this:

List of things about Dr. BF currently disapproved of by Das Deutsche:

- Napkin Nazi
- Spends too much money on dishes and then doesn’t like them
- Wastes water, food, and is energy inefficient
- Talks too much when I’m trying to sleep
- Pretends she knows how to speak German

- Asks me three times a day if I have any gossip
- Does not like the smell of rubbing alcohol


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think, perhaps, this is my favorite entry yet. I cannot quite articulate why I love it so -- the use of parallelism ?

No, it's the title. "Buttocks" gets me every time.

Speaking of which, D showed me his last night after you left. I blushed and felt peculiarly honored.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's my fave, too. You're on a roll, BF. I do love your lists. Perhaps someday I too will obtain a romantic partner in the next decade to scribble out lists with again at some point...meantime, maybe Spanky and I will make an impromptu list:
Things Spankster loathes about me:
1. I must work and thereby leave him to support our habits (food, sleep, three hours of walkage a day;
2. I don't let him lick me from head to toe for endless minutes on end--even if his tongue does feel a bit like a male appendage;
3. I don't appreciate his tendency sniff every other canine's butt (or Ken's, for that matter);
4. I can't let him fulfill his destiny killing all rodents.
I think I'll stop there (lest I sound like a baglady.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny stuff BF! I hope you kids can work this napkin thing out...



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