Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Monday, February 20, 2006

Deep Linking

When the chips are down, the whole frickin’ world comes to a screeching halt. Technology really bites ass some times. You just want to say, “proxy this, asshole!” Thank god that card catalog still sits in storage in the basement because I’m ready to haul it upstairs with a big fat arrow telling people that we’re going retro.

Yesterday, the German and I spent the entire day searching for a new fridge, washer and dryer. Early in the morning, he requested that we both read the latest Consumer Report ratings on all models – including repair records and customer comments – and determine what appealed to us prior to our shopping trip. This already made me completely exhausted. As a matter of fact, I’m already completely bored with this story. The up note is that after many many hours, we finally purchased three new appliances and managed to get rid of our existing ones on (thanks to N&M for the tip). I must say, this whole process was a good relationship exercise because the German soon realized that my tolerance level for shopping is minimal, which shocked him - and I bet that news is shocking to many.

This past Saturday, P and I went up North to visit “Pure Sugar Magic” and tortuga at the G-string cafe. We all had a good time and good laughs. Later on, P and I went to N&M’s place for the kid party. Lots of people there. I had a good time and probably drank too much, which is good since it’s one of my New Year’s resolutions. M, Plum, N, “other N” and I also shared some good laughs reading the ol’ Lutheran church cookbooks. The most notable, if I recall, was the tomato salad, which I believe consisted of lemon Jell-O, canned tomatoes, mayo, a can of tiny shrimp, and some other nasty stuff gelatinified into a mold of some sort (yes, I made that earlier word up because it sounds soooo good). I also learned that plutonium is real and not from Superman cartoons, and that you can’t buy it at surplus and keep it in your garage. It’s just another one of those correspondence school mishaps. Good times.

Don’t forget, the Dr. Bibfash advice column is ACTIVE and waiting for more worldly questions. Please read below for topics that I will discuss. Topics that I will not discuss include religion (well, depends), politics (also depends), general math, puking, wind direction, all science related issues, blood stuff, and boring stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'd totally forgotten about the church recipes. There is an ever-growing list of ways this blog benefits humanity, and now we can add that it stands as a reservoir of happy memories lost to the black hole of alcohol abuse.

Hey, do you think D and I should make that tomato salad for the supper club on Saturday? We've been assigned dessert, and I figure it would fit in that category about as well as it does the salad category.




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