Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Friday, February 10, 2006

Sending a "shout out" to my blog posse

A big gigantic thanks to my biblio posse - Surlycheshire (aka "Pure Sugar Magic"), ShatShat, mysterious J (who are you?), and all the other silent posse members (like Iowaonian M - the most fashionable librarian I know) who send me comments. It rocks my world. Even though I'm probably destined to be walking around this town in my pee-stained nightie, smoking Pall Malls, drinking 40-ounce Mickeys, and talking to myself with my missing front teeth and scratching my non-existent ass, at least someone cared enough to read and comment on my blog. Danke schön meine liebe lesers.

The German is walking around in his Michelin snowsuit with a navy beret and he's staring at things in the house with some type of portable spectrometer. It's suspect. I better go.


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