Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Forming Voltron of Neuroses (Part II)

I just got the results back from my blood work. It was normal. This is good and bad. Good in the sense that it means I don’t have a virus or thyroid problem (I was hoping for some cutting edge/trendy disease, but I didn’t even get that). Bad in the sense that it means I’m one step closer to the MRI/Neurologist/Scary-you-have-a-brain-tumor appointment. March 10th I go to the ophthalmologist for the eye exam. I’m hoping they will find something then because otherwise I’m out of my alternative options. Or maybe it’s still just a fluke, a passing oddity, old age weirdness, start of menopause weirdness, hyperawareness of this weird oddity awareness. Who knows? I will say today was one of the worst days so far. I taught in this room (321 CCC) with these flattish stairs and I had one fucking hell of a time trying to negotiate them. I had to lean on every desk to figure out where the hell the step was. I even had a kid in the class (he was in my class a couple of years ago), ask if he could help me pass out materials because he said I looked like I was limping. I’d give anything for a limp right now! Or a pimp. Man alive. Total and complete frustration. That little German has been super kind and sweet throughout this ordeal. Last night when we were making the bed, which he is HORRIBLE at, I tried to tell him for the umpteenth time to get it right so his next girlfriend won’t be embarrassed by his lack of bed making skills. I thought it was sort of a light joke, but he didn’t think it was funny and got sort of glassy eyed and just sat there. Then I had a sad face and sat there next to him. Man, this entry is morbid and maudlin. Yuck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shit BF! That's totally sucky! I'm going to call you right now! -N


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just cranked your March 10th appointment into my Franklin Planner. I've also got a recurring reminder set up in my Outlook to call you daily for a status report. I've also got it on my to do list tomorrow to call my stepdad, who is a pediatric neuroscientist (close enough?) and get his opinion. If he recommends you take extra Flintstone vitamins or something, I'll know I'm barking up the wrong tree, but it seems worth a shot.

I think you already know how concerned we are, and actually how our alarm just grows with the waiting, and with these disturbing status reports. I don't want to add to your worry by validating it, but WTF, I'm worried. Be morbid and maudlin all you want. I much prefer this to the former.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I can say right now is that people on this site, in SP, in Chicago, Madison, Boston, in the you very much, BF.

We're thinking of you and very much there for you. Hell, I'm even praying.
Love, Pat



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