Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Friday, March 21, 2008

Most heinous music videos

Thanks to PSM & J for this blog idea and her prompting me to reflect on two “fine” music videos of our time.

First, let me start by saying I have never understood music videos since their inception on MTV in 1981 (Anyone remember J.J. Jackson as a VJ??). Seriously. What’s the point? Music videos started as a strange montage of a band playing mixed with some poorly choreographed Debbie Allen affair that was a crossbreed of semi soft-porn dance moves with a sprinkle of Saved by the Bell flavor. Some tried to incorporate a “plot” - like gonzo pizza porns, which just never worked. At least in pizza porn there was some type of climax, but music videos? People just gawked with a furrowed brow

#1 most heinous music video
Bonnie Tyler – Total Eclipse of the Heart (Go to YouTube to watch - 1983)

Where to start? Well, I think Jasonwinback of YouTube comment section page three said it best about Bonnie, “it gives me goosepump when she peak her voice it sound like its gonna shred.” Yes, goosepumps and shredding sounds just about right. This little delight, back from 1983 (album was "Faster than the Speed of Light"), combines a Paula Abdul Ninja ballet clad in swan wings, settings of old church facades and horny school boys, all the while Bonnie is wind swept in her Dynasty rags smothered in glossy Mary Kay cosmetics. And what can we make from the "Man from Mars" kid with neon-glowing googly eyes? It is the “gayest non-gay” video ever, as commenter #47 said on page five.

#2 most heinous music video
Animotion – Obsession (Go to YouTube to watch - 1985)

The opening of this video appears to be a Middle Eastern banana playing the symbols and then it immediately cuts to an aerobic Charlie Sheen and Tina Yothers (dressed in the finest 1980s gaudy gear) jamming out to that 4/4 beat – You are an OBSESSION! This is a strange one. Seems to take place in some posh California backyard pool with space men and Cleopatra costume clad people all fencing and pondering their reflections in the water. Purpose? It's anyone's guess. Again, at least in porn there is a climax. Couldn’t tell you what the “producer/choreographer/band” was trying to tell the audience in this clown-like pastiche of nonsense.

#3 most heinous music video
Olivia Newton John – Let’s Get Physical (Go to YouTube to watch - 1982)

My vote is good ol' Newton John doing her gay pumping routine in this classic. I think the lyrics (and my list) say it all:

Let's get animal, animal,
I wanna get animal, let's get into animal, Let me hear your body talk, Your body talk, let me hear your body talk.

Pastel speedos
Oiled muscles
Feathered hair
High-cut leotards
Aussie headbands
Aerobic crotch shots
Copious gayness


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make a strong case for the existence of terrible music videos, but what about the fantastic ones? How can you throw out the baby of The Beastie Boys' "You Gotta Fight" with the bathwater of Olivia's tards? I mean, can't everyone name at least a few fine, fine videos? And if so, doesn't the existence of these salvage the genre?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it gets worse than Pat Benatar's "Love is a Battlefield."

We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Search in our hearts for so lowowong
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield.

Plus she's wearing a dress made from toilet paper and doing some weird shoulder shimmy dance thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and as for great videos, go to:

for a brilliant cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Almost redeems the song. -N


Blogger BibFash said...

Fine, fine videos? Are you high??? I'm sure there are some, but seriously I've not seen many in my many many years. I'd rather see live music, but I have to say, even the piss poor ones stick in your mind like glue. That can be fun if you're all fucked up and shit. It's even more fun when you try to reenact them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't mean to quibble, but when did you get cable? Where would you see any videos lo these "many many years?" Do you realize how many rad videos you've been missing holed up in your house with the one teeny, tiny TV with the rabbit ear antennas and the hundreds of antique radios?


Blogger BibFash said...

Sadly, the rabbit "no cable" antenna household is very true (and will continue to be true even during the big HDTV switchover since the German has mapped out some super elaborate new antenna plan on multiple pieces of graphic paper, compasses, etc.), but rad videos? Send me some links or names and I'll check them out to see if these schlocky videos really stand up to being so frickin' ass "rad" as you claim them to be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, lady. Here's one such rad video. Without this video, how would you know what Missy means by "Get ur freak on"? Would you know that she means look like a dead person and hang like a bat from some exposed plumbing? Would you know that she means spit in some guy's mouth? Would you know that she means swing from a chandalier while a troup of dancers bump and grind on the dance floor? OK, that last one you probably could guess, but the rest you'd never know about without the video. I love this video. I could watch it all day long, and I'm afraid I will now.



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