Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Heinous Song Contest Winner

This was a difficult decision. Even the rubric and poking out my eardrums did not seem to help. Strangely, a handful of gummi worms cleared my mind.

I’ll start with a review of each entry before revealing the winner:

Shatty shat
obviously has a hard time sticking to game playing rules (also evident in board game participation). I disagree that the Pina Colada song and The Way That I Want to Touch You really warrant the “most heinous” title. They are catchy in their own syrupy romantic 1970s way. Muskrat Love, however, is completely heinous, so I’ll give you that one. (A Justin Timberlake entry just came in from Shatty Shat, but I’m afraid it’s too late to be considered).

While some argue that “...even the oft-damned 'Owner of a Lonely Heart' isn't bad - come on, that's a catchy bass line - hell, if Zappa liked it enough to incorporate it into "Bamboozled by Love", who are we to say?" [Source: Reviewed by Bob Eichler from Ground & Sky Review site], others are smart enough to never make that argument. N, in a moment of afterthought, changed her entry to We Built This City on Rock and Roll by Jefferson Starship – a world favorite heinous song according to this blog posse and 389,000 people on Google. This is a good case of last minute switching.

Plum, in her fastidious and scrupulous attention to details of all matter – including music – also chose We Built This City on Rock and Roll by Jefferson Starship. Given her declaration that this song has the “ability to drive all other songs out of your head,” as I was tortured not so long ago by the Facts of Life theme song, her entry is also consistent with the 389,000 Google people and blog posse.

Surlycheshire is a walking “Facts on File” of all songs (she also frequently sings “Baby got Back” at karaoke night). I had never even heard We Don't Have to Take Our Clothes Off to Have a Good Time by Jermaine Stewart (former Soul Train dancer). This song was the hit single from his album, Frantic Romantic (1989). I think the video speaks for itself. It’s definitely in the El DeBarge/Milli Vanilli genre of musical talent. I give it an A+ for most heinous.

CarnivalArsonist chimed in with Mr. Roboto, but I’m afraid I’m in complete agreement with Plum that it’s “catchy, kitschy, fun and funny - even in its awfulness.” I also had no idea this song was based on a rock opera with a pretty complex plot line:

“The song is sung by Kilroy (as played by keyboardist
Dennis DeYoung), a rock and roll performer who was placed in a futuristic prison for "rock and roll misfits" by the anti-rock-and-roll group the Majority for Musical Morality (MMM) and its founder Dr. Everett Righteous (played by guitarist James Young). He escapes the prison by overtaking a Roboto prison guard and hiding inside the emptied-out metal shell. The Roboto is a model robot which does menial jobs in the prison. The song may be understood as Kilroy's dedication to the robot that, through being sacrificed in such a way, allowed Kilroy to escape the prison.” [Source: Wikipedia].

Man, that’s some intense shit. I also think this song has a lot of potential rhythms for some concept break dancing. However, there was still mention of everyone’s favorite, We Built This City on Rock and Roll by Jefferson Starship. Therefore, I believe this is still the most heinous song according to this blog posse and 389,000 people on (the) Google.

Other N wondered why Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire even exists, but luckily (being the good librarian) I found the answer from a Mr. Ron Kurtus on a site called, “School for Champions - an educational website that shows you how to achieve your dreams.” I don’t know if this is the most heinous song, but I do think Mr. Kurtus’ interpretation of why this song is so powerful (it even includes a mini-quiz) is certainly heinous:

“In 1989, singer Billy Joel released a popular song entitled We Didn't Start the Fire. The song simply lists historical personalities and events from 1949 until 1989. Just hearing the mention of them brought back memories of the times to many listeners. The lyrics of the song proved to be a good summary of the history of that era. Questions you may have about this are:

How good a song can a list of names be?
What are the lyrics to the song?
What about these people and events?

Mini-quiz to check your understanding:

1. Why did Billy Joel pick the years from 1949 until he wrote the song in 1989?
- Those were the most important years in the history of the world
- Those were years he experienced while growing up
- Those were the years after television news programs started

2. Were the events and people mentioned in the song historical?
- If they were in the news, they were historical
- All people mentioned were personal friends of Billy Joel
- Most events never happened and were taken from TV shows

3. What did starting the fires have to do with anything?
- Billy Joel was known as a "fire bug"
- He uses fires as a metaphor for negative events
- Fires have been historical events since the great Chicago fire

There is nothing more to say. Mr. Kurtus has said it all.

Last, but not least, is Jim Beam’s (aka Zinger – no, not the Little Debbie type, but the witty comeback type) entry, Everybody Have Fun Tonight by the 1980s London new wave band Wang Chung (originally called Huang Chung). This song was voted the third worst song ever by Blender magazine. I must say there is nothing catchy or fun about this tune. It’s unadulterated awfulness. But the good news is that in 2002, Geffen Records released 20th Century Masters - The Millennium Collection: The Best of Wang Chung. We couldn’t live without it. HEINOUS!

I know this is an intense moment. I struggled with coming up with one winner for most heinous song, but I simply couldn’t do it. They were all great heinous entries. Therefore, you’ve all won the most heinous song contest!

Prizes will be mailed or hand delivered within 2-4 weeks. The return of any prize as undeliverable will result in forfeiture of the prize and selection of an alternate winner, which will be difficult in this case because there are no alternate winners. So, please claim your prize!

Thank you all for playing. You’re awesome. I love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the only librarian (of adult materials...not that kind of adult material, nastygirl!) who gives everyone a prize. That's why we fucking love you. OK, that's not why (we love you for your BF style, your grace under pressure, your wisdom, your ability to deal with people who get in your face at the reference desk (droolers et al). and et. al places. Basically, I just love you because you're my friend. Thanks for being that for me and so many.
Are you crying yet??!
: )
PS Just read that Timberlake's last eve debacle is (augh) SexyBack. The album is amazingly entitled, "FutureSex LoveSounds." If his vision of a sexy future involves his breathy, adenoidal moans, we're in trouble. Not to mention the fact he looks permanently pissed off (maybe because he'll forever be linked to Ms. Spears?). Note there are too many websites devoted to trashing not just him but that album to count. I seriously think it's the worst tripe ever (even worse than that crooning Shatner attempted on SEVERAL 70s albums).
SStty (Don't wanna sign it SS)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's bad enough I have to share the glory with every single other contestant. I want my prize hand delivered now!


Blogger BibFash said...

Man, some people are super picky. Had I picked just one, I still would have gotten flack! Sheesh. You won't be so upset when you get your prize in the mail. It's a surprise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the prize porno? -N

p.s. The characters I'm having to type in to post this spell "snamisxe."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see what's so strange about that. It's obviously the acronym for, "See, Nicole Arnold's mom IS sexy."

My word verification is much more mysterious:


I have NO idea what that could possibly mean.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

JMHAMAU: Jim Morrison has me all undone
No, Shatner does. Definitely not Justin Timberlake. Can anyone--anyone at all--explain to me why JT is so freakin' popular? Or is he not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

For some reason, when some people think they're sexy, it's sexy, and when other people think they're sexy, it's not. It has nothing to do with whether or not they are actually sexy. I think it's luck.

By the way, I think Justin is sexy. Again, probably luck. He's lucky I find him sexy. (That's what I keep telling myself.)

By the by the way, I really like what anonymous did with jmhmau/jmhamau. But ydfzsyx? Good luck with that one, Justin Timberlake.

Should I abstain from drinking HL on a Monday night?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You dare fuck zen shogun you xenophobe? Okay, that's as good as I could come up with. The ZS part could also be zipper salesmen.

How about mmmgejz?

And yes, you should abstain from HL at all times. It is pissvasser. -N


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pissvasser, schmissvasser. Strong words coming from someone who drinks boxed wine...

Man, these word verifications are like Rorschach inkblots, because I thought ydfzsyx would be "Yes, do fuck zen shogun you xenophobe." Crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really expected and hoped for my prize today. Imagine my disappointment when I trekked home from a long day at the office, checked my mailbox, and discovered no suchy. Evs, BF. Evs. I'm going to keep posting to this entry until I get satisfaction. I hope to achieve a saturation rate of at least 9:1 (other n: other posts), which should, in my estimation, trigger an irritation rate of 1:prize.

(Does it show that I struggled in pre-algebra?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why is this goddamn thing on California time?


Blogger BibFash said...

I'm not particularly good at ratios, but if you would READ the instructions for prizes, it does say 2-4 week delivery time. Chill out, sister!! It's coming.

Wouldn't you rather be on California time?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, Real Simple Magazine vouched for that boxed wine, and...okay, maybe other N has got me, but at least it's better for your heart than HL, and it doesn't taste like pee, it just tastes like cheap wine. Also, boxed wine gets you drunk faster than HL.

Hey, was the beer that a roving Bibliofashionista bought for me this week my prize? It felt like a prize.-N


Blogger BibFash said...

No. That beer I bought you was for psychological support. Nothing to do with the prize. Be patient. It's coming.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are messing with my saturation rate.



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