Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Sunday, April 15, 2007


My “prolific prose” (I’m LOL, too) is tanked, so it’s back to the list:

- The Crucifixion of Peeps and Bunny
- Fun Easter brunch gathering (sad that I didn’t invite PSM, J and Tortuga because I thought they were in MN. Don’t hate me!)
- A’s announcement that she’s too poor to even find a lover (the least of her problems, frankly)
- “Freaks” the movie (1932 – rather freaky)
- Crazy senior volunteers at the voting place drooling and yelling
- Boob injury due to underwire from bra “getting loose” and puncturing my skin while teaching – blood
- PSM looking for a nemesis (I totally want one, too!!!). Will look into taking ad out in paper.
- M makes the front page of the Marshfield newspaper (rock on!)
- Doris behaves badly

- My continued love and admiration for Alan Alda (both young and old)
- Biggy Small groovin’ overload
- Scariest hair ever at the “Italian” joint
- Ps getting ready to move here – permanently (gulp…freaking out)
- Fun surprise party for L given by H (food & wine were scrumptious). B and I were “married” for 15 minutes – now she’s expecting alimony. Geez!

- Wondering why all small tourist towns have fudge shops
- Frickin’ asshole(s) stealing my debit card number ($2,000 smackeroos) and charging $42 AT THE IN-N-OUT BURGER 6 TIMES IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the fuck???? I’m willing to pay for the plasma TV, but no way in hell with the multiple burgers.
- Fun afternoon with Bridge Mix at the arts thing, dance thing and lunch
- Serious headache listening to the German trying to speak Chinese – late at night in bed with his walkman. Man alive.
- Freaking out about big PRC trip (too much to do beforehand)
- A night of too much drinking, smelling people’s armpits, and talking about Phyllis Diller (?)
- Weird stuffed duck, pillow, fake flower and skull art at the art show – what?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still looking for someone to blame for letting me chug a beer after I announced, "This is the beer that's going to make me too drunk!" Right now it's a three-way tie between the person who said that, the person who remembers me saying that, and the person who may not have heard me say that but suggested we start drinking bourbon when the beer ran out.

I must know, was the scary hair in your food at an Italian restaurant, or was it worn by someone in the restaurant, or is the "joint" not even a restaurant?

Also, what if the stolen burgers were for hungry, unscrupulous friends? Is that really more objectionable than a giant plasma TV? I would love to know how you arrived at that one. Haven't we all been hungry and unscrupulous at one time or another?



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