Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Sunday, March 04, 2007

What I did this week

- Settled annoying jigsaw puzzle of job shuffling duties in Library
- Perv #1 tried to say hi to me three times – I ignored him each time
- Ate 5-7 pounds of gummi bears and Swedish fish due to upcoming PMS
- Unsuccessfully tried to teach 8-year-olds rond de jambe turns in ballet class – disaster
- Rolled my eyes for a total of 13 times
- Somehow fooled a business prof into believing I was a conservative
- Washed dirty gross sheets from Heart Attack Guy’s room
- Ran into what seemed like 25 people in the grocery store. I had about 5 items to purchase, and it took me 3 hours. Dreamed of living in Chicago again where I never ran into people I knew at the grocery store.
- Overdosed on Public Enemy
- Heard about dog boners
- Read, re-read, and re-re-read David Sedaris’ “The Way We Are.” LOL every time. Favorite quotes:
“Women. They'll suck the fucking paper off a joint, but when old Papa Bear needs a little b.j. action they've always got a sore throat.”
“I got preëngaged one time, but David here hasn't never come close, his being a faggot and all.”
Little Mike laughed, and then he looked at me. "For real?" he said. "Is Bromine telling me the truth?"
"Oh, he's all up inside that shit," Paul said. "Has hisself a cocksucker - I mean a boyfriend - and everything."
- Went to hear “ICS,” but no Purple Rain or Beat It! was played - despite our audience cries.
- Multislacked on Friday afternoon at work. Stacked 15 small Swedish fish on top of each other and smooshed them into a giant “big mac” style sandwich. Ate creation. Felt completely nauseous afterward. Realized I have an addiction to gummi-type candies.
- Volunteered (yet fucking again) as an usher for community theater production on Friday night. Listened to a bunch of old ladies complain about their dying husbands and friends. Did not help my psychological issue with the aging process. The “golden years” are the “rusty years” as one lady put it. Good fucking grief.
- Attended long 3-hour arts meeting on Saturday morning and dreamed about coffee the whole time.
- Was super pissy and crabby on Saturday afternoon due to not wanting turkey sandwiches for lunch at home and pending PMS. In response, I “threw” silverware around the kitchen sink and was perfunctory in my responses to all questions asked by the German. The German then squeezed me super hard and said, "I love you, too."
- Attended “Team America” viewing at D & O/N’s house. I had been tricked into thinking these were marionettes, but they looked more like characters from the movie “Chucky.” Lots of LOL, but I was mortified by the puking scene. I had to close my eyes the entire time. Also, I realized I have a pair of glasses that suspiciously look like Kim Jong II. Sex scene really didn’t freak me out (except for poopy “hot lunch” scene. I just don’t like poop period). I think I was more jealous of the stamina these two had in one night. Plus, I would have thought the golden shower in the open eyes would have burned, but it didn’t seem to bother her.

- Dreamed of being a marionette doll.


Blogger BibFash said...

"No comments" are not allowed in the comment section!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry. OK, here's a comment: One of the things I envy about you, BF, is that you're not in the habit of denying yourself things you enjoy. It does seem to get you into trouble sometimes, like with the Swedish fish and Public Enemy incidents, but still it's a trait I admire but am having trouble emulating.

Which leads to a question: Aside from "drink a lot," do you have any advice for people who a) have masochistic tendencies, b) are trying to enjoy life more, and c) are trying to at least appear to enjoy life more?


Blogger BibFash said...

I am weird. I admit it! And I love the Ziggy candle!!! Thanks, PSM. Now, if only I understood the Ziggy saying on it:

"May the bluebird of happiness really lay it on you!!!"

I still don't know what this means. Sheesh. That Ziggy is a mystery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While you're trying to figure out the Ziggy saying, maybe you could also address this one:

Wow! A secret message from your teeth!


Blogger BibFash said...

Man, I forgot about that lame secret message. There was another wacky one. Hmm. Do you remember?



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