Dedicated to fashionable librarians and other stuff

Friday, September 09, 2005

Mohawks and Butt Cracks

Students are back and the library is once again a “crack house.” The low-riders, thongs and butt cracks are still the rage. I don’t even really notice it anymore. I find that disturbing.

My friend Y wants to take German and thought we could do this together. German 101 four days a week for an hour. I have to think about it. I don’t like the German language even though I live with a German. Aside from the occasional syntax error, his English is pretty good and I rarely have to hear him speak German – thank goodness. I’m terrible with languages. I took 6 years of French in Jr. High and High School and it got me no where. I don’t have much hope.

The latest “hair doo” (according to Vogue) is to have a fake puffy Mohawk thing (this is basically back combing the top section to get it all gnarly) pinned back in the middle of your head with the sides super slicked and gathered all into a long ponytail. I was intrigued. I experimented with this in the privacy of my bathroom. The directions were quite complicated, but I’m actually pretty good with hair doos or “up doos” as they say now. It was a lot of work, and the end result was something that resembled a member of Devo/B52’s. I think it looks better on the 20-year jet set. I don’t think I’ll wear that to work, but you never know.


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